New Life Discipleship is a 6 month journey that offers you time and space to think about what it means to truly know and follow Jesus. Throughout these months you will be partnered up with an experienced mentor from our church so you can have a safe space to ask questions and practically learn how to read the Bible, pray, and live for Jesus.
1 Peter 2:2
Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.
1 Corinthians 11:1
If we are to GROW in our faith, it does not happen automatically. We need to be helped along by trusted, mature believers who can urge us to ‘follow me as I follow Christ'.
Starting off the Christian life can be confusing and large groups can be intimidating when we’re looking for answers to life. New Life Discipleship is designed to be a smaller setting where real conversations can happen and friendships develop. We will partner you up with a Christian mentor who will help you know where to begin and guide you along a path of spiritual growth.
I would like to learn more about New Life Discipleship!
We hope that you see the urgent need for intentional discipleship and growth in your faith, and that you are prayerfully considering how you can grow more towards the fullness of maturity in Christ.
If you are interested in being mentored through our NEW LIFE Discipleship Program, simply sign up through the button below – we’d love to walk with you!
If you are interested in being mentored through our NEW LIFE Discipleship Program, simply sign up through the button below – we’d love to walk with you!