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Missions is the job of every local church. The purpose of the church’s existence is to go out with the gospel, making disciples of all the peoples of the earth. We exist for God and for His glory.

Missions at Harvest Buffalo is deeply established in our local church’s mission to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment. This produces missional giving, investing, preaching, teaching, and ministries of compassion that inspire hearts and lives to be fully surrendered to the global Great Commission. The result is a passion to reach the whitened harvest fields of near and far-off places and a desire to partner with those who catch the vision to be laborers in his harvest.

We’re committed in our communities and around the world as we learn, pray, give, and go.

Global Partners

Our country and world needs more churches. In 2021 our church partnered with a church planting network called Gospel Mission (MISEV) in Nicaragua. This network exists to identify, train, and deploy church planters in Nicaragua. Our partnership consists of regular prayer, financial support for building projects, educational support through seminary training for planters, and relational support through mission trips from within our church membership.

Local Partners

We have been greatly influenced by CHH’s commitment to making disciples through camps, conferences, and retreats. One of its major initiatives is servant leadership development of young men and women. We have many adults in our church who were established in the faith under their ministry as well as several current young people who are being equipped to serve Christ at camp and beyond. We’re blessed to call them partners and support them relationally, financially, and prayerfully. To learn more click here.
We’re a church that celebrates life because the Scriptures teach us that every person is made in the image of God. In 2020, God used that conviction to lead us to establish a special fund to assist families of Harvest with the process of adoption. In 2021, we took another step of faith by partnering with Lifesong For Orphans. They are a ministry that partners with local churches to support global orphan care and foster care initiatives. Their mission is to mobilize the Church to care for the orphan, where each member can provide a unique and special service: some to adopt, some to care, some to give. If you are part of our church family and interested in receiving information about this fund, please email us at

Network Partners

Harvest Buffalo is a network affiliate church with Vintage Mission.

Vintage Mission exists to launch planters and strengthen church around the world. You can read more about Vintage Mission on their website here.